Group of companies BRIO and National Association of Technology and Price Auditors demonstrated the work of the MR platform BRIO MRS
On October 20, Group of companies BRIO and National Association of Technology and Price Auditors hosted the field demonstration of the MR platform BRIO MRS on the territory of VDNKh park in Moscow.
National Association of Technology and Price Auditors is a nonprofit partnership that unites professional players of the technology and price audit market. The main tasks of the Association are the development of the technology and price market and expertise in Russia, the transfer of the best available technologies to Russia through the recommendations of auditors, the improvement of quality of construction projects, as well as the elimination of cost and optimization of design and technology solutions.
More than 40 representatives of the largest Russian consulting, investment and engineering companies took part in the business tour along the construction site, including VEB.RF, AO Technical Inspection of the UES, NEO Centre, Severin Development, PAO Promsvyazbank and many others.
Within the framework of the event, the guests were given a tour around the Rosatom pavilion under construction, the largest and most modern exposition in Russia dedicated to the development of nuclear energy. The participants were also demonstrated the work of an innovative solution, the MR platform BRIO MRS, that is used to carry out the construction control at the facility.
The MR platform BRIO MRS is a Russian-made software and hardware complex for the automation of management processes on a construction site through the Industry 4.0 technology stack (computer vision (CV), mixed and augmented reality (AR/MR), artificial intelligence (AI)).
Because of the application of Mixed reality (MR), the solution allows you to visualize a BIM model on the construction site in real time, provides an opportunity to quickly identify and eliminate violations, receive up-to-date and reliable data from the construction site, and, in general, automate the process of quality control of construction and installation works based on BIM.
Group of companies BRIO expresses its gratitude to the Association for the assistance in organizing the event, and to the participants for the high appreciation shown for the work of the BRIO MRS platform. See you soon.