A modern enterprise is a dynamic system that is complex for analysis and control. Many workshops, hundreds of participants, thousands of pieces of equipment linked into a single process, and constantly changing shipping logistics.

All these factors contribute to the emergence of “bottlenecks” at the enterprise, as well as negatively affect safety, planned production indicators, capacity utilization, compliance with deadlines and budget.

The main task in the design of an industrial enterprise is to “expand” bottlenecks or places where large queues arise. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce lean production methods already when designing a future enterprise.

BRIO Group of Companies presents you a digital twin of an enterprise based on an innovative research method – “Simulation Modeling”.

With the help of modern IT technologies and artificial intelligence, the real system is replaced by a model that describes the processes with sufficient accuracy (as they would in reality) with which experiments are carried out in order to obtain information about this system.

The “simulation model” allows for a detailed and comprehensive assessment of production, analyzes bottlenecks and options for their elimination, reduces economic, logistical and organizational costs and risks, increases the throughput of the system and production volumes, and justify the correctness of decisions to modernize the enterprise. It allows you to select the optimal performance and the optimal path of movement of machines and mechanisms. If you are interested in the overall digitalization of the enterprise, the ability to view various scenarios and make changes to production processes in real time and their further optimization – use “Simulation”. This innovation will bring real benefits to your production, save time and money, and be prepared in advance for any situation in the plant.


+7 (843) 500-00-82
+7 (843) 500-00-83
34, Gladilova str., office 3, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 420032