We are a licensed company with a single Сompetence Сenter in the field of project management, which includes the role of Technical Client.

Our company takes over all organizational activities, freeing the developer from the need to conduct numerous negotiations, protects the interests (including financial ones), organizes and controls the effective interaction of all interested parties of the project, and also eliminates the need for the developer to keep a permanent staff of expensive specialists in the company and track every step of the implementation of the investment project, which in turn reduces direct costs. We are a well-established and coordinated team of professionals, result-oriented and ready to meet the deadline. We have no fear of dismissal after the completion of the project, thus, the artificial delays are out of question. Besides, we take full responsibility for the failure to meet the deadline.

+7 (843) 500-00-82
+7 (843) 500-00-83
34, Gladilova str., office 3, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 420032