BRIO MRS is the sponsor of the All-Russian case-the championship “The Builder 4.0 α”

All-Russian case-the championship “The Builder 4.0 α” will be held during the period from November 10 to 26, 2021, within the “Building life-cycle management. Information systems and technologies” conference devoted to 50-year anniversary of ISTAS chair.

“The Builder 4.0 α” case-the championship is dedicated to the tasks of digital transformation of the construction industry and is focused on solving tasks provided by BRIO MRS and DOM.RF.

The tasks are designed for teams with 3-5 members.

For who: bachelors, masters and grad students who want to gain personal experience in solving tasks of digital transformation of the construction industry.

To participate, fill out an application form on the website by November 5:

The participation is free, with online pre-registration.

Access to the tasks opens on November, 10. The ready solution must be submitted before 12 am (MSK) by November 20, 2021.

An official awards ceremony of the winners and announcement of results of the competition will be on November 26, 2021.

If you have any questions about participation, please contact us:

+7 (495) 287-49-14 доб. 2347 Lyubov Adamtsevich

Good luck to all!